Sunday, February 19, 2012

Games Carnival :)

Hello. On our normal Wednesday training on 15 February which is the best day afterall. We had a Games Carnival that is organize by our cadet leaders. Through this Games Carnival, the cadets could bond together to know more with other and also learn a certain main values. From this experience, the cadets could learn about BONDING, TEAMWORK, COMMUNICATION, COOPERATION, and more. Even me enjoyed the games carnival as I could bond with my sec one juniors. There is a few stations on the games carnival such as turn over a new leaf, cross the bridge and more. Although we didnt manage to complete all the stations, it is still a moment to remember. All this games gave me the spirit to cheer on my group. I ensure that they have fun and found the meaning behind everything they do. The Games Carnival was really fun! :DD

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