Sunday, February 19, 2012

Campcraft Girls Competition :)

Elo! So, guess what? Now 11 February was the most memorable and touching moment for the campcraft girls team members. It is our turn for the Campcraft Competition! So scared! The girls had also train hard since the November trainings. They did not gave up half way. At first, their tentage was never been set up, but day by day after going through a few training, the girls did it to set up all the Flagstaff, Tentage and Gadget! Such a wonderful job! Thank you to Mr Rahmat! And our Captain which is Dhiana and Danisyah the Vice Captain! Without them, the campcraft girls won't be this good! However, we are a bit dissapointed as our tentage was not up because we had not much time, but it's okie, we tried our best. But Good Job afterall. Keep it up guys! Guide your juniors too! :DD

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