Sunday, August 5, 2012


Hey All. Welcome back to our NPCC Blog. Our blog is so dead. Let's make it alive back! Any volunteers to continue the thread? Just updates. We'll oversee you. Don't worry. Moving on, just updates for TOMORROW'S NDP TRAINING.

Tomorrow (MONDAY) is our last training before the actual parade. I really hope that all of you persevere and don't give up! All of you had put in a lot of effort from the trainings we've gone through together. I know it is very very tiring. Especially for those Muslims. It's fasting month. I applaud all of you for that! Don't give up! Practice makes perfect!


Date: 6 August 2012
Time: 2.15PM SHARP
Venue: Courtyard

P.S I expect FULL ATTENDANCE. If I don't see FULL ATTENDANCE, whole lot of you owe me 50 push ups. And for attire, I expect tip top conditions. For boys, I do not wan't to see DOUBLE LINE Trousers. I really mean it this time. Thank you.

- Do take a good rest tonight and be prepare for tomorrow! See you!- 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

CSSP Project Quiz :)

Helo Sec Twos! Let's make this fun! If you all manage to get 5/5 answers correct, sweets are going to come your way on the next training! Ho ho ho! So try your best to answer all the question regarding your experience doing your CSSP Project and presentation correctly! Thanks! :)
  1. What is CSSP?

  2. Community Safety Security Programme
    Community Security Safety Programme
    Civil Society Support Programme

  3. What is the theme for this year CSSP project?

  4. Fire Prevention
    Crime (Theft)
    Youth delinquency

  5. What is theft?

  6. Theft is a crime which leads to stealing of valuables
    Theft is a crime which leads to a serious offence
    Theft is a borrowing of someone's valuables

  7. In School, where can theft happen?

  8. Classroom
    All of the above

  9. How to prevent theft from happening in school?

  10. Class chairperson must be the last person to leave the classroom
    Always lock the classroom doors
    Cool the victim down and walk away

This quiz is super-duper easy. I guess the whole sec twos will hunt after me for sweets. Briefly, from this CSSP Project, I'm sure you all had learn something. Please get this quiz done ASAP. Now next step, help me do reflections on your experience on doing the CSSP Project. Please submit your reflections to me by Wednesday (4 April 2012) Thank you guys! And do visit our NPCC Blog often! :))

Done and Edited by: Syafi and Hameera :)

Let's do some super-duper-easy quiz! :)

CSSP Project Quiz :)

Helo Sec Twos! Let's make this fun! If you all manage to get 5/5 answers correct, sweets are going to come your way on the next training! Ho ho ho! So try your best to answer all the question regarding your experience doing your CSSP Project and presentation correctly! Thanks! :)
  1. What is CSSP?

  2. Community Safety Security Programme
    Community Security Safety Programme
    Civil Society Support Programme

  3. What is the theme of CSSP for this project?

  4. Fire Prevention
    Crime (Theft)
    Youth delinquency

  5. What is theft?

  6. Theft is a crime which leads to stealing of valuables
    Theft is a crime which leads to a serious offence
    Theft is a borrowing of someone's valuables

  7. In School, where can theft happen?

  8. Classroom
    All of the above

  9. How to prevent theft from happening in school?

  10. Class chairperson must be the last person to leave the classroom
    Always lock the classroom doors
    Cool the victim down and walk away

This quiz is super-duper easy. I guess the whole sec twos will hunt after me for sweets. Briefly, from this CSSP Project, I'm sure you all learnt something. Please get this quiz done ASAP. Now next step, help me do reflections on your experience on doing the CSSP Project. Please submit your reflections to me by Wednesday (4 April 2012) Thank you guys! And do visit our NPCC Blog often! :))

Monday, March 26, 2012


CL camp is a camp where they train you to be leaders. The camp makes you perform at your very best. Lectures were given like, method of instruction, word of command and so on. Through these lectures, we are more aware of what is expected of us. If we were given some responsibility to do the task given, we can reflect back at what has been taught to us during this camp to make us feel more assured as what is to be done correctly. We still need to improve on 0ur attendance and the attendance during that camp was abit disappointing. Aside from all the seriousness, we still did have fun during the campfire. Red cross combined with npcc and we did the campfire as a combined UG:) it was fun when every group went up and did their unique performances. I was thankful to my CLs and C.Is as they were the one cooking the food. While we were all having a good time laughing and jumping with joy, they were infront of the hot barbeque pit cooking the food us. I was very grateful that i have very caring CLs and C.Is. I hope one day i get the chance to organise a camp. I will continue to do my best to contribute more to the unit in future.