Monday, March 26, 2012


CL camp is a camp where they train you to be leaders. The camp makes you perform at your very best. Lectures were given like, method of instruction, word of command and so on. Through these lectures, we are more aware of what is expected of us. If we were given some responsibility to do the task given, we can reflect back at what has been taught to us during this camp to make us feel more assured as what is to be done correctly. We still need to improve on 0ur attendance and the attendance during that camp was abit disappointing. Aside from all the seriousness, we still did have fun during the campfire. Red cross combined with npcc and we did the campfire as a combined UG:) it was fun when every group went up and did their unique performances. I was thankful to my CLs and C.Is as they were the one cooking the food. While we were all having a good time laughing and jumping with joy, they were infront of the hot barbeque pit cooking the food us. I was very grateful that i have very caring CLs and C.Is. I hope one day i get the chance to organise a camp. I will continue to do my best to contribute more to the unit in future.

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