Friday, February 24, 2012

23/02/2012. The day which everyone is waiting for. It's the competition day for the .22 Revolver Shooting! The sec 3s cadets were very excited and nervous to show their skills in shooting! There are a few schools who went for shooting also. We waited for so long. And as we get nearer and nearer to the entrance of the shooting range, we really get very scared. For once, this is such a great experience that you should not miss! This time, only 4 sec 3 cadets who successfully get their Marksman Badge! This is the ranking from our unit. =)

The first position --> Danisyah
The second position --> Farriz
The third position --> Jeslinna
The fourth position --> Hameera

Congrats! But I really hope that there will be more cadets from our unit to get the Marksman Badge for the upcoming revolver shooting competition! I know AES can shoot well!

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